January 22, 2025

Serbian Brandy Stomaklija Brand Treats Acid Reflux

We have been witnesses to instances of health issues where conventional medicine has failed but traditional medicine has come to the aid of the person suffering. What I am going to write about here is about traditional use of Home-Made Brandy in health.

stomaklija pokupac

The topic of this post may seem a little weird but if you read along, you will finally realize that humans have long abandoned their traditional ways. We have been witnesses to instances of health issues where conventional medicine has failed but traditional medicine has come to the aid of the person suffering.

What I am going to write about here is about traditional use of Home-Made Brandy in health.

After writing a Review Of Digestive Science Acid Reflux Remedies, I suddenly realized the coincidence because I had problems with Acid Reflux a few years back and was treated with a mixture of brandy and some sort of herbs.

I complained to a friend about my stomach discomforts and he went into a nearby shop and brought back a bottle of “STOMAKLIJA”. This is a traditional Serbian Plum Brandy but inside was an herb soaked in it and in fact it is this herb that is responsible for treatment and relief of a number of diseases associated with stomach disorders.

The dosage according to him should be a tumbler of this Stomaklija before every meal. Although the initial taste was bitter due to the herb, the after taste became pleasant and specific. Not like any other Brandy I have tasted before. Who cares about the taste anyway? As long as it relieves of the acid reflux that has been a sort of pain-in-the-ass for a month.

The result was that after taking this home-made brandy with the herb for 3 days consecutively, I forgot I even had problems with acid reflux or heartburn as some people would rather call it. I was impressed with its workings and I still keep a bottle in my refrigerator just in case.

I am writing this post not to solicit anything related to alcohol drinking. After all everything should be done in moderation.

The Stomaklija is enclosed in a dark green bottle of 1 litre, has a clear yellow-greenish color as you pour it into the tumbler.

Further investigation led me to ask questions about this brandy and of course the herb that was inside. In fact it is the herb that is of interest to me. I learnt that people in Serbia have been using this drink to cure stomach anomalies for centuries. Additional information I was able to collect stretched to other uses of brandy in health and not just stomach discomforts as well as other brands that I have never heard of before but I leave that for my next posts.

Here’s To Your Health!

Reuben Oyeyele