February 22, 2025

Why Antiaging HGH Supplements Are Better Than Injections

anti aging hgh in adults

Surely you have heard about human growth hormone which is usually abbreviated as HGH as I am going to employ in this article. Human growth hormone as you must have known is an extremely important hormone responsible for many health functionalities of the human body. Its deficiency in many ways can have negatively drastic impact on a person. First of all, let us get to be familiar with this hormone and understand its importance.

Before I continue, I would like to state that I personally favor the use of HGH supplements as against injections due to a number of reasons which I will lay out later in this blog post. There are very convincing factors that you may be interested in to find out why ant aging HGH supplements are better than injections.

What Is Human Growth Hormone And Why Is It Important?

Human growth hormone (HGH) is an essential secretagogue that plays a significant role in controlling human growth and metabolism. Additionally, it plays an essential role in regeneration of damaged tissues and organs.

It is produced in the pituitary gland, located within your brain. It supports muscle growth, bone formation and metabolism by stimulating cell repair and protein production. Furthermore, it plays an essential role in maintaining a healthy immune system as well as aiding healing from disease or injury.

Those are just a cross section of what the human growth hormone is responsible for in your body. I may have to address each or some of the positive effects later on. Therefore stay tuned. In the meantime, let us inspect what can possible happen if you are deficient in this hormone.

Decrease Of HGH In The Body

Age affects almost if not all of our bodily functions and HGH production is no exception. This hormone is produced constantly in the body from birth and the deficiency in the body can lead to many health issues which we don’t want to happen to anybody. This deficiency is frequently referred to in medical circles as Growth Hormone Disorder or GHD. What is important is that both men and women benefit from healthy production of human growth hormone in the body.

The deficiency can be the results of either the pituitary gland is not producing enough or it is not producing the hormone at all.

Impact On Child Growth

If a child suffers from low level of HGH, there is a very high probability that the child will experience slow growth and may look noticeably smaller compared to its age mates. Although statistics show that it is a rare occurrence, yet about 1 in every 5,000 children have it. The popular soccer star Lionel Messi suffered from HGH deficiency as a child and had to go through extensive therapy to overcome the predicament. The therapy according to sources may cost upwards of $800 per month. Here you see one of the reasons why using as natural as possible means to increase HGH production is way less expensive. Today, we are all grateful that Messi succeeded to gain some stature or else we would have never experienced his greatness on the soccer field.

If you are considering growth hormone therapy (HRT), you might be wondering how these injections work and how much they cost. It’s an important topic, as growth hormone is not regulated like prescription medications. Consequently, it is easy to purchase adulterated products. The good news is that these products are cheaper than injections, and they also work the same way. Read on to learn more about the benefits of HGH and how you can use it to restore your youthfulness.

HGH injections are given to children who are very ill and require medical attention. In cases of emergency, it should be given to a hospitalized child. Generally, it is used once a week and should not interfere with other drugs or treatments. It is not advisable to give GH to a child who has less than 0.2 mg left in their cartridge. You can use GH once a week or once every two or three weeks, depending on the condition. If your child’s GH dosage has run out, call the Endocrinology Clinic.

While most off-label use of HGH is illegal, there are some cases in which people with a growth hormone deficiency use the hormone to boost their energy and fitness levels. Many of these patients are elderly and will have to use HGH throughout their lives. Some of these treatments are extremely expensive, and you should talk to your doctor before trying them. The side effects of HGH therapy may be too severe for you.

As we grow older and reach certain ages, we start to experience some age related health issues. The most frequent are sexual problems. Men and women lose their libidos and interest in sex, hair turn to gray color, wrinkles begin to appear on our skins etc. As a result of these, the urge to look for anti aging products become even stronger.

When considering anti aging treatment with HGH, there are 2 ways in which they can be applied. You can either take the hormone in injections or through supplements. When HGH treatment first started, injections were the only way to get this treatment. Now, science has made it safer and cheaper to start human growth hormone therapy.

Anti Aging HGH Supplements Vs Injections

HGH injections are very expensive and can cost between $1,000 and $3,000 monthly. Aside from the boring procedure, injections cause pain. The only advantage of injections is that they act faster than supplements. However, the risks are far greater than the rewards. Natural production of HGH is carried out by the pituitary gland. According to research, this gland can stop working completely with the injection treatment. The body being used to getting the hormone from an external source sees the gland as useless and shuts it down its functions.

genfx hgh releaser

This is not however the end as the HGH injection can cause uncomfortable negative side effects. They may be swollen muscle and pain. The injection form of the human growth hormone has also been linked to several more serious consequences such as heart failure.

Side Effects Of HGH Injections

There are several known HGH injection side effects, and many people are not aware of them. The number one side effect of the drug is acromegaly, a condition wherein the body exhibits giant characteristics, including expansion in height, numbness of the hands and feet, and weakening of the heart. These injections can also cause reproductive issues, carpal tunnel syndrome, and weakened vision.

Although HGH injections are usually safe, the hormone can have some unwanted side effects. These side effects are common, and the best locations are the buttocks, upper leg, and abdominal area. These sites have a layer of fat between the muscle and skin. However, we would advise precautions here. To minimize these risks, it is best to get a prescription from a physician before starting a new treatment.

Some of the most common growth hormone injection side effects include headaches, abdominal pain, tingling, and joint pain. Some of these symptoms do not require medical attention, and can go away on their own. Others may require medical attention. Some of the side effects of HGH injections are not life-threatening, but are possible if you do not follow the instructions carefully. These include a fever, depression of the skin at the injection site, and a limp.

The most common side effect of HGH injections is pain. This side effect can be very severe, and is best avoided if you are diagnosed with a growth hormone deficiency in adulthood. If your doctor recommends HGH injections, you should see a doctor regularly for a few months before you start the therapy. We would suggest you consult your doctor before you go ahead with this kind of thing. You can even experience some of the adverse effects of the treatment without medical assistance.

HGH especially the herbal variations called human growth hormone releasers have not yet been reported to have negative side effects. The supplements form of human growth hormone are not as expensive as the injection. The total cost of a year’s supply may be in the range of $300 to $400. That is an extreme difference from the injections. First the price can be a deciding factor then the less risks should the final and most important factor.

Contrary to the injection, the body does not realize that the hormone is from an external source. Because of this, the risk of the pituitary gland becoming inactive or shutting down altogether is greatly reduced. These supplements have also not been associated with any increase in the chances of diseases.


Over time, supplements have gone through series of tests and researches to prove their safety over injections. With the decrease in amount of the supplements versus the injections, the amount of money saved is substantial with the supplements though you will have to take the supplements for a longer period of time to get the same results as the injections. When you compare what you get and lose, it is evident that a better option will be to go for human growth hormone supplements.

Reuben Oyeyele