March 30, 2025

Featured featured categoty imageThis is our featured category. We want to bring the most informative material to our readers and that is why we have set up categories based on the topic of our contents and posts. However, there are instances where the particular category can’t be specifically determined. That is why we created this Featured category.

You see, there are posts which we think are important but does not fit into any category. We put them as featured to emphasize their importance. We also put in posts related to health trends around the world or trending in certain areas of the world.

An example is our coverage or rather an article about the Haitian earthquake of 2010. The terrible earthquake was a wakeup call for many people and even many countries around the world.

Ginseng is a plant whose root has found a place in medicine whether traditional Chinese or contemporary. This plant, based on its medicinal properties can fit into many health related category, therefore we have chosen the featured category for it.

One of the most sensitive and most controversial topics in modern medicine is about the male penis. This happens also to be a topic which is hard to ignore. Men are obsessed with their sizes and their erections should they have to prove themselves in a sexual encounter with a sex partner. That is why the question of how to make a penis bigger is a very frequent among adult men.

Stay tuned for our next post under this featured category.